Whiskers Inn

5206 Bradford Rd. West

Harrowsmith, Ontario

K0H 1V0

Client Registration Form


Client Name......................................................................................................


Phone #...........................Cell #............................Email.....................................

Emergency Contact & Phone #(family or friend)......................................................

Family Veterinary Clinic & Phone #........................................................................

Where do you normally buy your cat's food?...........................................................

1st Cat Name.......................................Date of Birth (or approximate year of birth)....................

Breed..........................Color.......................Sex  M / F   Spayed / Neutered? Y / N

Date of Last Vaccination (proof required)...............................................................

Wet Food - brand, type, flavor, time given & amount................................................ 

Dry Food - brand, type, flavor, time given & amount................................................

Special Notes (med's, allergies, personality).............................................................






2nd Cat Name......................................Date of Birth (or approximate year of birth).................

Breed.........................Color.......................Sex M / F    Spayed / Neutered?  Y / N

Date of Last Vaccination (proof required).............................................................

Wet Food - brand, type, flavor, time given & amount...........................................

Dry Food - brand, type, flavor, time given & amount.............................................

Special Notes (meds, allergies, personality).........................................................




Are your cat(s) permitted to enjoy our private balconies?        (Please circle the correct answer):

yes, in any weather                          only in warmer weather                              no, not at all



Whiskers Inn, its owners and employees will take every precaution to ensure the

health and safety of your pet(s) while in our care.  In the unlikely event of injury or

illness veterinary services will be provided and the client agrees to pay all veterinary


Client Signature:.........................................Date:..........................

All information on our boarding requirements, hours of operation, boarding charges, etc. can be seen on

 our website www.whiskersinn.ca  or a copy can be provided to you upon request.  By signing this

 agreement the client is agreeing to accept all of the boarding terms.

Note:  If your cat is found to have fleas it will be treated with

 "Advantage" or "Revolution"  and the cost will be added to your bill.
